NYSC Community Development Service

by Sanjo

NYSC Community Development Service (CDS) is one of the four (4) Cardinal Programmes of NYSC in which corps members contribute positively to the development of their host communities throughout the period of national service. It is a year-round affair and through the programme members of the Service Corps work with the local communities to promote self-reliance by systematically prospecting and executing development projects and programme which impact positively on the socio-economic development of the host communities.

Over the years NYSC Community Development Service (CDS) has been faced with numerous challenges arising mainly from poor perception and a dearth of knowledge of the corps members on the objectives of CDS. This structured guide of Community Development Service is therefore made to give Corps Members explicit insight into what the program is all about and how to successfully participate in the program.


Community   Development Service (CDS) is the third programme of a corp member’s National service year only after Orientation course and Primary Assignment (PA). NYSC Community Development Service (CDS) is often referred to as secondary assignment and is compulsory for every corp member (group cds).
It is aimed at correcting the imbalance in the nation’s rural-urban development    through    the    various    community    development    programmes executed   by   corps   members.   These   programmes   have   helped tremendously   our communities   in   the   areas   of   education,   health   care   delivery,   agriculture, communication,  infrastructure,  technology,  economic  empowerment,  poverty eradication,  social  services  and  above all national consciousness and  socio-cultural regeneration.


Although the objectives of NYSC Community Development Service (CDS) are burgeoning as the potential of the programme is limitless, the following are identified ones:

  1. Impacting positively on the improvement of rural community life.
  2. Developing the spirit of entrepreneurship in the corps members.
  3. To utilize the  challenges  which  rural  development  poses and inculcate  in the  Nigerian  Youth  the  ideals  and  capacities  for leadership ,endurance, selflessness, community service, national service, patriotism, and creativity.
  4. Exposing corps members  to  diverse  traditions  and  customs  of the  host communities.
  5. Providing the forum  for  corps  members  to  experiment  with  ideas  and translate  them  into  concrete  achievements  thereby  relying  less  on  foreign technology and encouraging the use of local raw materials in the execution of projects.
  6. Harnessing the enormous talents  and  skills  of  corps  members  into  an effective machinery of change in our rural communities.
  7. Providing on-the-job training and experience for corps members.
  8. Providing complementary service in our National development activities, by ensuring that our  under-privileged  population  learn  basic  techniques  for self-help  through  the  appropriate  technology concept  being  promoted  by NYSC.
  9. To instill in corps members the tradition of dignity of labour and productivity.
  10. To complement the  activities  of government  at  all  levels  in  the  stride towards national development


There are three (3) major classifications of CDS. However, corp members actively participate in only two (2). The major classifications are as follow:

  • Personal/Individual Community Development Service
  • Group Community Development Service (Group CDS)
  • Community Development Service

Personal/Individual CDS
These are projects/programmes executed by individual corps members in their host   communities based   on   Community   felt-needs. Corps   members   are encouraged  in  addition  to  the  group  CDS  to  look  out  for areas  where they  could make  individual  impact  in  the  community.  It  could  be  construction  projects  like building  of  toilets,  incinerators,  bridges,  classrooms,  games  facilities  for  schools etc  or  social/educational  project  such  as  establishment  of  ICT  laboratory,  school libraries, extra-mural classes,  campaigns,  charity  work,  vocational  training  for empowerment of unemployed youths  etc.
Even though Personal CDS isn’t compulsory, there are lots of reasons why corp members are encouraged to engage in the program. One of such is that the Government and communities that benefit from these projects hold corp members responsible for their initiation in high esteem and reward them handsomely.
At the end of your service year, some or all of State Coordinator’s Letter of Commendation, Local Government Honors Award, State Government Honors Award and Presidential Honors Award can be given to you if your project is evaluated as one that has brought significant development to your host community.
Recently, the Federal Government Administration of President Muhammad Buhari gave some corp members that did Personal CDS in their host communities National Award and Jobs with attractive salary.
Another benefit of personal CDS is seen around rural communities in the nation where underprivileged kids benefit tremendously from the educational programs corp members organize for them. This has enabled them to acquire good formal education and hence have the opportunity of becoming good ambassadors of the nation.
Group CDS
Group Community Development Service (Group CDS) are projects/programmes executed by groups of corp members. It is compulsory and failure of a corp member to participate in their assigned group will lead to appropriate sanction(s) according to NYSC bye-law.
The assigning of Corp members to the NYSC Community Development Service (CDS) groups is done by their Local Government Inspector (LGI) usually according to their field of study/expertise. For example, a Geographer will most likely be assigned to Environmental protection and sanitation group (EPSG) and a Barrister Corps Legal Aid Group (CLAG).
Group CDS Corps  members  are  expected  to  use  one  day  in  a  week  for  group  CDS  activities.  They  are  not  expected  to  attend  duties  in  their  Places  of  Primary assignment on CDS  days. Such days are dedicated to the execution of projects and programmes that will improve the living conditions of their host communities. It usually falls on Wednesdays or Thursdays.
Below is the list of all CDS groups their purpose and activities.
Corps Legal Aid Group (CLAG)

  • Free legal services to the less privileged and indigent prison inmates (Victims of denials and violation of rights)
  • Sensitization of the public on fundamental human rights


  • Advocacy
  • Visit prisons
  • Legal service to inmates and indigent persons
  • Public lecture and awareness of fundamental human rights.

Sports Group

  • Creates an avenue for recreation and healthy rivalry among corps members and the community.
  • Arousing the consciousness of living healthy and purposeful lifestyles through participation in one form of physical activity or the other.
  • Identifying talents among Corps members


  • Participation in Sports competitions
  • Identifying and Training members of the Community
  • Organizing Sports Competitions

Cultural and Tourism Group (Band, Dance, Drama & Tourism)

  • Promoting arts and Culture
  • Dissemination of vital socio-economic and political problems and prospects.


  • Identifying talents
  • Setting up of the schemes theatre groups

Education Development Group (Mass Literacy, Adult Education, Extra MuralsICT)

  • Enhance the Education Standard of the host community.
  • Career guidance and counseling for students


  • Campaign against Illiteracy
  • Organizing Extra-mural classes for Adults.
  • Organizing of in-school programmes

Environmental Protection and Sanitation Group (EPSG)

  • To promote and sustain healthy environment
  • To create awareness on sustainable environment management and regeneration.


  • Tree planting
  • Sanitation
  • Drainage Control
  • Erosion Control
  • Landscaping

Editorial/Publicity Group

  • Compliment the activities of the NYSC PRU in disseminating Information to the Community


  • Making presentations on mass media to enlighten people on socio-cultural education.

Road Safety Group

  • To contribute to public safety on our roads


  • Sensitization and control of traffic.
  • Rendering first aid to accident victims
  • Establishment of road safety clubs in school.

Reproductive Health & HIV/AIDS Group

  • To train and mentor Students
  • To mobilize and strengthen community-based responses on HIV/AIDS prevention


  • Sensitization and Campaign

Anti-Corruption Group (EFCC & ICPC)

  • To help in eradicating corruption through Campaign


  • Sensitization
  • Creation of awareness in schools and organizations
  • Establish Anti-Corruption Corps members in schools.

Service Delivery Group (Attitudinal Change, Re-Branding)

  • Sensitization on Service delivery and good work ethics.


  • Training
  • Sensitization
  • Group discussions on value re-orientation


  • To create awareness and actualize the 8 goals of MDGs


  • Advocacy and Mentoring of the host community.

Medical and Health Services Group (Red Cross, Breast Without Spot, Polio Plus, etc.)

  • Promotion and provision of Medical Services


  • Health outreach
  • First Aid administration.
  • Establishment of Community based clinic
  • Setting up of clinic for the NYSC Secretariat

Drug Free and Quality Control Group (NDLEA, NAFDAC, SON)

  • Eradication of fake and adulterated foods and drugs
  • Create awareness on the danger of drug abuse.


  • Campaign and Sensitization
  • Establishment of drug free clubs in Schools
  • Ensuring linkages with the host Communities.

Agro-Allied Group

  • Support agro-allied activities in host communities
  • To promote better food production and security


  • Demonstration farms/Extension Services
  • Establishment of Farmers Cooperative Societies.
  • Advocacy
  • The teaching of new farming techniques to communities
  • Training and capacity building
  • Establishment of young farmers clubs in host communities

Charity Services and Gender Group

  • To improve the living standard of the downtrodden
  • Charity outreaches to the public


  • Mobilize funds and other resources for less privileged
  • Visits of orphanages & prisons.
  • Donation of materials to homes

Disaster Management Group (NEMA)

  • To create awareness on disaster management
  • To disseminate information on how to manage disasters through Corps Emergency Vanguards.


  • Public enlightenment on disaster management and control through the emergency Vanguards.
  • Disaster management
  • Liaison with NEMA on how to assist during emergencies
  • Formation of emergency vanguard club in schools.

Collaborative Community Development Service
This a form of CDS in which the scheme partners with National and Non-Governmental organizations and other establishments to implement development programmes. The Scheme signs MOU with the partners, clearly stating each partner’s roles/responsibilities. Corps members are usually involved as Volunteers on this programme.
Types of Collaborative CDS

  • Road Safety Group
  • Reproductive Health & HIV.AIDs Group
  • Anti-Corruption (EFCC & ICPC) Group
  • Service Delivery Group (Attitudinal Change, Re-Branding)
  • MDGs
  • Medical and Health Services Group (Red Cross, Breast without Spot, Polio Plus, etc.)
  • Drug Free and Quality Control Group (NDLEA, NAFDAC, SON)


Abex Consult

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1 comment

Temiloluwa March 21, 2020 - 8:01 am

Awesome write up
Good read for me. Thanks for the enlightenment


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