While the distinction between the graduation and senate lists is obvious, prospective Corps Members frequently confuse the two. There is no need for perplexity or misunderstanding
The NYSC Graduation List is a detailed list of graduates from a particular University or tertiary institution. This list is only a record of your graduation from an institution. The list does not automatically qualify you for NYSC registration. It guarantees you are already a graduate and your school has process you for NYSC.
To view the graduation list click here
The NYSC Senate list is a specialized list of graduates eligible for NYSC that your school compile. The Senate list is a list that contains the names and contact information of all graduates of an institution who are entitled to participate in the National Youth Service Corps program.
There are procedures and phases that the senate list must follow before it appears on the NYSC Portal, which will then allow you to register for NYSC.
Allow me to summarize the method. Once your school has sent the senate list to the DSA or placed it on your portal, you will review it and make necessary revisions.
The list would then be forwarded to Abuja, where NYSC will verify with Jamb to ensure that all names are genuine graduates.
Following that, more formal measures will be taken, and the senate list will be posted on the NYSC portal. That is the point at which you may check the portal and verify your identity.
You will be unable to complete your NYSC registration until this final step is completed.
To verify your name on the senate list Click here
The sole exception to this is if you are a graduate with foreign education. Foreign-trained individuals are exempt from the senate list requirement for NYSC registration. They have fully distinct mobilization and registration requirements.
Graduation List And Senate List Explained