I decided to share this because I noticed that a lot of serving corps members and PCM’s are confused about the term “Nysc documentation”. Documentation is an act, meant only for relocated Corps Members in their new states, so as to update their details with Nysc.
This documentation is divided into two – the State Secretariat and Local Government documentation. State Secretariat documentation is done after a Corps Member has been relocated to a particular state. After documentation, his or her state code will change and be assigned to a particular local govt and PPA.
Read More: Getting a Good PPA After The Orientation Camp
I should add this, if you have a PPA in mind, before going for your state documentation, visit your PPA then tell them to give you a request letter containing your name and callup number, please don’t use your state code and most importantly must be on the PPA letterhead paper Then corps member will proceed to his or her local government for local government documentation.
All Corps Members will pass through the state documentation process in camp but if you apply for relocation, you will need to do fresh documentation at your new state Nysc Secretariat. For those who didn’t apply for Relocation, you don’t need the state Secretariat. What you need is to visit your Nysc local government inspector office for the local government documentation.
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