Useful N.Y.S.C Terms And Definitions You Should get Familiar With
Allawee :- Allowance paid every month from the Government. All Corpers nationwide receive #33000 from the federal government. In most states, corpers also receive a state allowee (amount can vary from state to state).
AI :- Area Inspector. Official in change of corp members in a given area. Same as LGI (local govt inspector)
Book of Life :- It is a real, huge book signed in camp by all coppers. Very important
CD:- Community Development by an individual, couple or group. Also called CDS.
CD card :- An official NYSC card you attach a passport pic to, that is signed by your LGI at the end of your Cd day.
Clearance :- AN activity you must do every month end to show that you are still alive and present. You also submit a letter from your employer to get paid.
CLO :- Corps Liaison Officer. The “head corper” of your Local Government Area
Ghost Corper :- A corper that does everything (including collect money), but nobody has ever seen them.
*HSE* :- Health Safety Environment. A course available in NYSC.
LG :- Local Government. You’ll meet your CD group here once a week.
LGI:- Local Government Inspector. The official rep in your LG. Same as AI(see definition above).
LGA :- Local Government Area.
Mami Market :- A collection of shops in camp where corpers can find everything they need from bukka to tailors and cobblers. Some camps even have shawarma and arcade games. Call it the chill axing spot for coppers, camp officials and soldiers.
NIM :- National Institute of Management. A course available in NYSC.
NYSC :- National Youth Service Corps……..that’s what you’re doing!.
OBS :- Orientation Broadcasting Station. It is the station inside the orientation camp to give information to pple inside the camp and to make the camp more lively too.
Otondo :- Friendly word for new Corper but some say it actually means Mumu.
PCM :- Prospective Corp Members. Recent graduates who are just about to start NYSC.
Platoon :- In camp corpers are split into groups called platoons.
Platoon Commander :- A corper placed in charge of a Platoon.
PMP :- Project Management Professional. A course available in NYSC.
POP :- (Passing Out Parade) the end of your NYSC year. (Best day everrrrr!!!)
Posting Letter :- This letter tells you where you have originally been posted.
PPA :- Place of Primary Assignment.
PV :- Payment Voucher.
RSM :- An RSM serves as a general overseer to all the platoons. Platoon commandants report directly to RSM while RSM reports directly to captain.
SAED:- Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development. A program set up by government to provide skills to corpers enabling them to start businesses after service.
“You are wrong”: – Used in camp by soldiers if you’re in the wrong place or doing the wrong thing.
ZI :- Zonal Inspector. Person in change of corp members in a given zone.
Abex Consult
NYSC Terms & Meaning
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