The Director-General, National Youth Service Corps, Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim DSS PhD MTRCN, Management and Staff of the Scheme felicitate with you, the 2019 Batch ‘C’ Stream One Corps Members on the successful completion of your national service today.
Undeniably, the one year period of national service exposed you to the core values of the NYSC Scheme, anchored on patriotism, integrity, efficiency, commitment and team work which are vital ingredients necessary for the socio-economic development of the country which the Corps has espoused in her 47 years of existence.
It is with great pride that I commend your invaluable contributions to national development through personal and group Community Development Service projects, particularly in the spheres of Education, Health, economic and other critical sectors of the national economy which are visible in the nooks and crannies of the country.
My dear virile and patriotic compatriots, your selfless efforts in combating the COVID-19 pandemic which have attracted national accolades through the provision of face-masks, hand sanitizers, foot-operated dispensers, disinfectant chambers, including the distribution of palliatives to the indigents are all commendable and will never be forgotten by our dear country.
You approached every national task assigned you in the course of service with a single. Your participation in the recent Gubernatorial Elections in Edo and Ondo States with very successful outcomes bear eloquent testimony to my assertion. The Scheme and indeed the Nation are very proud of you.
As you bow out from the Scheme today, it is important to reiterate that the era of seeking only for white collar jobs is over. I therefore admonish you to put to use the various skills that you have been empowered with, through the NYSC Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development programme which is a gateway to self employment and financial freedom. Many of your predecessors that listened to my counsel are today business owners and employers of labour, contributing immensely to the country’s GDP.
As you disengage from National Service, remain good ambassadors of the Scheme and responsible role models to other youths. Avoid all forms of social vices, especially the get – rich – mania which has landed so many in prison, with not a few losing their lives. I hasten to add that God shall surely bless your worthy efforts with success.
l commit you unto the hands of the Almighty God as you get disengaged from the Corps today.
Congratulations my dear Patriots.
Thank you and God bless.
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