As frustrating as it usually is especially during the first week, I bet its going to be the most memorable and most important of all your experience in your one year of service. The friends you make during these period could change your life for a fortune. Many people have met their life partners during those 21days, some got their first job courtesy of the network of friends they made in just 21 days, some their business partners. Trust me wherever your camp is, you’ll meet people that could change your life.
The first week is usually all about registrations and documentations leading to a lot of unending queues. As a matter of fact you’ll find yourself in nothing less than ten short you’ll queue for almost everything, even food, its always very stressful. But here is the trick, never rush yourself for anything in camp, maybe except food. And as for camp food, its only an option if you are not well loaded.
From day 1 till day 21, you are expected to be up not later than 4:30am, otherwise some soldier and man o’war drills will help you to adapt. The third day of camp is usually like the induction ceremony as you’ll be officially welcomed to service by the state governor of the state you are serving, that’s when you officially become a corper which is usually followed with a welcoming party. There are a lot of planned and unplanned activities in camp..the planned activities are scheduled by NYSC while you schedule the unplanned ones for yourself e.g maami visitation and babes scouting.
After your documentations you’ll be assigned a number which will automatically fit you into a group usually called platoons. For the first few days, parade is compulsory for every single soul in the morning, afternoon and evening.
After the first week, extra curricular activities such as games, martial arts, socials, camp fire night among others start coming up and that can relief the pressure of parade as most unserious fellows would have been sent out of parade by then. The fun is beginning to set in. Like I have always said, please enjoy yourself and make sure you participate in at least one of the social events, its memory will continue to linger on. The second week is also marred with entrepreneurship lectures, which can be very boring.
The third week which is the last is usually for man’o war drills..the mountain/pole climbing, the underground crawl, the stability exercise and the finals of most social events.
Participating in some camp events may influence your posting especially sports but I am not saying its certain as some people will lie you into doing some things all in the name that you’ll be posted to the city. If you are keen in serving in the city, you had better start lobbying your way the moment you get settled in camp by seeking the appropriate connections.
And yes for the guys, there are enough babes out there for you, you’ll surely find your specs. However, be warned and beware of money sucking creatures who will eat your money, leave you broke and follow another money bank. Or better still, spend your money during camp and after so many love promises, disappears on the closing day of camp, and is no where to be found. Gone and gone forever, you are only left with history and probably the pictures you took together unless fate lands you both in the same local government.
For the ladies, you’ll always find that camp maga that will spend on you except you are not well packaged. I know of ladies who brought only 5k to camp and left with the 5k..they didn’t spend a dime of their own money in camp yet you see them in mami every day spending money.
The mami is another story on its own but ladies and gentlemen that’s the social headquarters in every orientation camp. Whatever social class you belong to, you’ll find what you want in mami. That’s where most of the networking and strongest connections takes place.
Lest I forget, you’ll be paid bicycle allowance(1500), local transport allowance (1000), and your first allowance (33000) in camp.
By the end of the third week, if you have really made the best of your stay in camp, I bet you’ll not want to leave again save for the scores you want to settle with that babe that has been spending your money.
Abex Consult (08021210067)
A Detailed Summary Of NYSC Orientation Camp
Very interesting and educating, thanks for the information
Thank you. It’s really educating and enlightening to read